Meet: The New, Simplified Cloud App Search

Search all your Twitter, Evernote, or Dropbox content faster than ever before.

With Refinder's full text search engine it is easier than ever to find your documents in the cloud. We are all using more and more cloud apps: Evernote together with a colleague, Dropbox for a project, GoogleDocs for yet another project. How do you find what you have stored?

Refinder Cloud Search is the answer. It allows you to gain a clear overview over all your files stored in the cloud. We offer more than just another Dropbox app. You can integrate Evernote, GoogleDocs, and more.
Our goal is to give you a "Cloud Google" with Refinder Cloud Search. Just like you "google" for relevant results on the web, you can "refind" your content in the cloud. Refinder's fast search engine looks through your connected cloud apps and gives you the results in a clear, simple overview, easily accessible with an instant click. 
What To Do
Refinder Cloud Search works as simple as Refinder for Teams. You just connect your cloud apps and authenticate them with Refinder. Refinder Cloud Search starts to index your content, and within seconds you search RSS, search twitter, or find that long lost Dropbox file you didn't remember anymore.
1. Go to Refinder Cloud Search
When you come to our website, just click on "Refinder Cloud Search". Or take the direct link to Then you log in, or create your new account if you haven't registered yet. 
2. Connect Your Apps
As a next step, chose which of your cloud apps you want to connect.
This takes you through the required steps of connecting with your apps and runs your authentication process. 
Refinder then starts to index your cloud content to make it searchable. Within a few seconds, you  can click on "Search" and comfortably search twitter, search RSS or find your content on Evernote or Dropbox...
3. Start Searching
One simple click is then all you need to directly access your content in the cloud. No more hours of browsing around Windows Explorer or clicking around the provider's online platform to find your once-stored precious content.
Simply click, open what you found, enjoy the new-found time and wonder how people did things in the old days...


Try Refinder Cloud Search!